
Showing posts from April, 2001

New Bloggie

Hello !!! My 17th new bloggie ~~~ I had been long year dint post my blog. Since now I feel that i Should write down my life.. For my memory, for any things.... Maybe after a few years, when I read back what I had wrote... There will be a warm feeling, laughs and tears... Okay !!! I'm trying my best not to post something sad... But maybe I can't do that Because this is My Life !!! My real life !!! ._. Kay, my first post talking Rubbish. Try to intro myself. ^^ My name Amelia, 17 teenage girl. My life lack of love.. Friends... And some more. Hahaha~~~ Study in KC high school , SR2B. Kay lahhh ... Go back to the reality... Start my school homework now. Goodbye Bloggieeeee ~~~ :)