*First Post for 2013 ;)
* LOL. All about Bad Girl ! ._.

I feel the pain that WanQi feel
I understand the every way you thinking
For that moment,
I hope I can be a bad girl too !

Really !
That's why I can accept who you are.
A bad girl that I used to be ><
For this moment,
I wish I can back to my Bad Girl Style
After bad, play , fun ,
I will more appreciate the life I'm having now !

 - Come on, Let me Bad pleaseeeee !
Don't think How good I am.
 I just so sucksssss yeaahh
WanQi we are sucksss together
just, I din't get the chance to being sucks :D
LOL, sampat me ><


How long I din't update my blog?
Because... I started to write my diary in a Book
Good hah ! :D
But sometimes I'm blank on writing diary,
I just don't know whyyyyyyyyy ! -.-

Back to my life, yes !
Busy Busy Busy but Fun !
Tired tired tired till sometimes my tears drop.
I tried to stop myself for a moment, for a second,
But I can't ! I just continueeeeeee ~~~
That busy life makes me being a good good girl !
That's why I have a mind to being a BAD GIRL againnnn !
Can I being bad?
Yes, I'm trying.
Everyone Can ignore me when I'm being bad.
But I hate the feelings get Ignored.

What the hell . I'm So Mao Dun !


For a moment ,
I want love LOL !
But I want Freedom at the same time !

A bad girl is...
Get freedom n play hunts guys at the same time !
Yes,, I wanted to do this lol.
But I failed to hunt boyz lol. :P
- I dont have Mei Li ~.~

Maybe ppl think that
Why PY so craving for love?!
Yes, no why. I can't explain.

I just need someone by my side makes me happy ;
I just need someone by my side when I feel Sad ;
I just need a hug from someone to feel warm ;
I just feel so lonely , I need a talk ;
I want to talk everything about myself,
not everything I can tell anyone.

So , My Someone when will you show up in my life? :P

*** Don't tell me that " Girl, You still have long time to find your Someone! "
*** If next Second I'm Dead ?! I will not find my Someone for my life !
Sad case then lol ~

So So So,
I can feel the way WanQi feel so.
I can understand everything in your mind !
Let's be the Bad Girl togetherrrrr ! XD <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="br">


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