Talk Talk Talk.
Talk to me.
Need Some Talk :(

But. What to talk ?
Who to talk ?
How to talk?
And, Where to talk ?  :/

Today after class,
don feel like wanna going home.
Reached home,
don feel like wanna studying.
Late night,
don feel like wanna sleeping.

- And wth with me.
Don home, Don study and Don Sleep. ==

At this very moment
I really wanna pick up my phone to call someone.
But i guess someone wont pick up my call.
Or I'm scare I dunno what to tell if i called.

I feel like wanna call another one.
But I still wondering what I want to tell the another one.
Tell people what's my mind thinking now.?!
It's kinda weird.......
I hope I can explode all the feelings inside my heart...
just express everything out...
or let myself cry out loud..
then everything could be fine...

But it still bury inside my heart.
Can't take it out. Fuck that shit. :/

IF i could do something for myself.
I hope I can do.
Try to make myself super duper tired.
Or. Let myself distract from any other things.

But everything still in mind.

Amelia - Do something. Do what.


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