Awesome DAY !

Today is AWESOME's DAY !! xDDD

Early in the morning,
tumpang yang's car to Taman Jaya.
Felt so bored in the car because this two brothers are so QUITE ! :<

Yang's Car the Bear Bear :P

While waiting for the others, i played the slide. =X

Awww ~ so tired ! We played games! :D
Suddenly got a photographer walk front ask us to take some pictas. O.O
Hmm, those photos will update lately. ;)

After we end thr, I rush back to Mid Valley.
Due to karlok and ray them were waiting for me.
We watch movie :P
Ahhh ~ HIM HIM is so LENG ZAII ! <3

Movie end, we rush back to school again.
Dont forget it, today is The OPEN DAY !
When we reach thr, everyone is going back home.
But we have to duty at school around 2pm until 4pm.
Is too BAD ! :(
See ! We are from Commerce Club! :D

I wanna ask rayray to get in the class for duty... but she took this ugly pic. :(

Ohh Yes!! Me, ray and lok bought a cup! So cute. Love it. <3
Lok's frog & Ray's rabbit & Mine's PIG ! XD

During our duty time. We took a lots of pictasss !
Hahahahahahah ~ Funny Pic man! LAUGH DIE ME. xD

Gangsterism?! XDDDD

Another pictas from Photograph's Society

Appreciated that all the laughters and happiness are surrounding us.
Thank you guys who made me feel so happy for this whole DAY ! ;)
,loved Amelia. <3


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