Stay Focus. Stay Calm.
Stay Cool and Keep Smiling ;)

Hello Great Saturday.
Today is all Family Day ! :)

Great Day stick with Mama going here and there.
After that, story hour with MC JieJie.
I'm glad that we can get closer to each other.
Promise that, we can stay that long long long :)

Night Dinner.
Kepong Steamboat Buffet Style :O
So full like wanna vomit after eating all the foods.
Cheap but not so healthy uh ! :/

- Day 3 -
I miss Someone.
Thanks for letting me miss youuuuu so much.

and wahhh !
I think I get a chance to meet you soon.
Hope the day come faster and
Hope the chance won't lost
The end of the June T_T <3

- I found you. In the Phone Book. -

Heart Beat. Tik Tok Tik Tok.

Message sent? or Not? :)

 - your independent. your focus. your smile. -

Amelia - your everything  made me fascinated. :)


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